Latest news
From 12-18-07
Tokyo Xmas CR and Special Tokyo NIght Skate in January 2008
Hello. It's that time of year again for the Xmas CR in Tokyo. It will take place on December 24, 2007 at 11:00 (SNS meeting place). Go to the daytime group skate page for more info. In January 2008, there will be a special Tokyo Night Skate. Date to be announced and route is in planning. Check back in the beginning of January for more info.
From 10-26-07
HP update
Hello everyone. It has been a long long time since I last updated this HP. I have been very busy with work and my family, so i have not have time to devote to either skating and maintaining this HP. I will try my best to give you lastest info on in line skating in Tokyo.
From 1-2-05
End of Year Night Skates were cancelled because of snow.
From 11-22-04
Pics from November's SNS available on @iwa's hp.
From 1-11-04
Xmas CR 2003 is mentioned in the Herald Asahi Shimbun of 12-24-03
A photo with a description was published in the December 24, 2003 edition of the Herald Asahi Shimbun (Asahi Shimbun's Foreign Edition).
Videos from Xmas CR and Bonsuke 2003-2004 available
Dai-chan has posted videos from both the Xmas CR 2003 and the Bonnou Skate 2003-2004 on his web site. Note: both files are in WMV format and you will need Windows Media Player 9 for playback.
From 12-9-03
CR main route remains unchanged
It seems that the majority of CR skaters in Tokyo have decided that they would rather skate to the current finishing point at Jingu Gaien instead of Roppiongi Hills. It is unfortunate, because I was looking foward to the changes in CR. Time will only tell if this is the right thing to do. So just to clear things, CR will continue as usual from Ueno to Jingu Gaien via Tokyo Station and Tameike Sanno. I am sorry for posting the proposed changes for CR.
From 9-3-03
Changes for CR
The City Run in Tokyo has been going on for the last four years and the number of skaters have increased (an average of 30 skaters per week from 15 skaters per week in 1999). The main route from Ueno to Jingu Gaien has become redundant and skates to other parts of Tokyo have become very infrequent. Because of Starbucks closing at TBS in Akasaka, the main route will drastically change and CR will break at Starbucks in Roppongi Hills with Omotesandou becoming the new finishing point. CR will also try to skate more often to such places as Odaiba and Shinjuku. The overall distance of CR will also increase to about 13 from 10 km. More info coming soon.
From 4-15-03
Video from March SNS available
Video of the skate is on Dai-chan's site (Windows Media Video, 30 min. - 60 MB). Next SNS is on April 19 (Imperial Palace grounds and Odaiba route). Also Tokyo's own FNS is back on track. For time and meeting place, please email Dai-chan
From 3-1-03
Next SNS on 3-15-03
Please go to the Night Skate section for more info on this month's Saturday Night Skate in Tokyo
From 2-4-03
A skate review from Holland
From 2-4-03
SNS update
16 skaters participated in this month's SNS. I will have a report of the skate by @papa and Mr. Hashimoto soon. Video of the skate is on Dai-chan's site (Windows Media Video, 15 min. - 28 MB). Next SNS is on March 15 (Cherry Blossom).
From 2-4-03
Next SNS
Please go to the Night Skate section for more info on this month's Saturday Night Skate in Tokyo
From 1-21-03
Update on SNS
Please go the SNS web site to read a review (in Japanese) of this months night skate and a link to download a 20 min. video of the skate. Also, fellow City runner Shige-san has changed his address for his web site.
From 1-13-03
Next SNS on 1-18-03
@papa from SNS a has opened a web site for SNS. It contains info on the night skate and a BBS. Please click here to go to the site. The next SNS will be this coming Saturday. Meeting at 17:15 (Asahi Bank near the north Marunouchi exit of Tokyo Station) and leaving at 17:30. Skating to Odaiba via Sukiyabashi, Shimbashi, Tsukiji, Kachidokibashi, Triton Square, Harumibashi, Toyosu, Shinonome, Big Site, and Aomi. Distance is about 16 km. Participants should wear a helmet, protective gear, dress in light colored clothing and use flashing lights. Please contact @papa for more info. Note: This was supposed to be skated last month, but was canceled due to rain.